LEGAME 樂遊戲 Apps

火速加入《終極三國II》熱血迎戰官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/zjsg168 《終極三國II》擁有上萬玩家同時在線的超夯手機遊戲,全面搶占台灣玩家的移動裝置!隨時隨地,只要拿出手機就能彈指點兵,成為戰場上智謀雙全的英雄。遊戲特色:《終極三國II》是一款以三國時代為背景的策略型連線遊戲。玩得是智慧,比得是謀略。《終極三國II》一上線即大獲好評,在大陸市場創下百萬人同時在線的爆滿佳績,更有許多台灣玩家跨區投入遊戲。《終極三國II》更是消磨零碎時間的最佳選擇,隨時來場猛將PK,偷摘金銀果,跨平台的遊戲設計,不論是PC、手機都能暢玩無阻。遊戲背景:身處三國最混亂的時代,百家爭鳴、勾心鬥角,人人都想成為人中之龍。正是這樣的渾沌的時代,只要你發揮長袖善舞的能力並具備機智深遠的謀略,就能輕易成就你權利與財富的巔峰!在進入遊戲時,您首先得選擇魏、蜀、吳三國之一,接著,作為一方名主,您將擁有一片領土-一座城池與農地;這片領土上的一切,將是您在亂世之中縱橫的籌碼。蓄養田地、鍛鍊士兵,並且找酒館中覓得霸氣干雲的一軍之將,讓傳說中的武將帶領您的軍團獲得勝利!Rushed tojoin the "Ultimate Three Kingdoms II" blood againstThe official fan group: https: //www.facebook.com/zjsg168"Ultimate Three Kingdoms II" has tens of thousands of playerssimultaneously online super compactor mobile games, the playersfully seize Taiwan mobile device! Anytime, anywhere, as long as thephone will be able to come up with fingertips soldiers, became ahero on the battlefield resourcefulness queen. Game Features: "Ultimate Three Kingdoms II" is a background of the Three Kingdomsera strategy game type connection. Play is wisdom, than have astrategy. "Ultimate Three Kingdoms II" an on-line that is wellreceived in the mainland market, a record one million people onlinein full success, there are many cross-Taiwan players into the game."Ultimate Three Kingdoms II" is the best choice to spend fragmentedtime, ready to field Reggie PK, gold and silver fruit picking,cross-platform game design, whether it is a PC, the phone can playsmooth and unhindered. Game Background: Three of the most chaotic era living, contending, intrigue,everyone wants to be out of the dragon. It is such a chaotic era,as long as you play and have the ability to navigate wit profoundstrategy, you can easily achievement of rights and wealthpinnacle! Upon entering the game, you first have to select the Wei, Shu andWu Sanguo one, then, as a party to officiating, you will have apiece of territory - a city with agricultural land; everything onthis territory, will be among you in troubled times aspect ofchips. Keeper fields, exercise soldiers, and find the domineering drycloud to find an army of pubs, so legendary Army generals to leadyour win!
鬥鬥堂(萌寵的逆襲) 10.0.9
★★Q版魔幻世界 超可愛勇者變裝★★★★多人連線競技 導彈射擊手遊★★★★享受即時單挑 暢快殺敵的樂趣★★《鬥鬥堂》遊戲背景:傳說~上古魔盒潘多拉再次將封印開啟,災難四起,厄運叢生,Q彈魔域上面臨著一場浩劫。希望女神厄爾皮斯及時出現用自己的力量將魔盒再次封印,而自己也被殘餘的邪惡勢力禁錮!【可愛精緻畫面】精緻Q版可愛風,可愛從頭到腳,整組套裝光環變幻、帽子、頭髮、臉飾..等,多樣搭配還可提升戰鬥力!【豐富競技地圖】多個不同風格的地圖,並隨著版本的更新不斷的添加,戰鬥的同時可以體會異域風情。【豐富技能】彰顯個性的鍛造、別具一格的合成,獨特的裝備成長系統,在競技和副本中獲得材料,完全自給自足,為強大奠定基礎。【多人戰場】競技戰爭,戰友相聚,共剿敵,灑熱血。【萌寵大戰】多樣萌寵陪伴戰鬥,成長之路不再寂寞。【榮譽排行榜】戰力不能製霸?沒關係!競爭激烈的排行榜中,各方面也可獨占鰲頭。【豐富社群】多人線上互動,公會共同戰鬥,團結力量大。【多樣副本活動】天降寶箱,擊殺魔王,不同的副本身臨其境,體會不一樣的故事,感受不一樣的旅程。
免費樂點 1.0.29
每天登入《免費樂點》,吃喝玩樂攏免錢!LEGAME.tw樂遊戲全新打造的的免費紅利獲取App來囉!每日上架多元化簡單任務,動動手指頭就可以輕鬆賺取免費樂點,MyCard點數、超商抵用券、還有各種美食,保證讓你拿好康拿到手軟!★樂賺任務★每日上架樂點任務,準時搶任務賺樂點★樂拿紅利★天天登入賺紅利,只要輕鬆動動手指,免費好康拿不完★樂領好康★吃喝玩樂攏免錢,Mycard點數、全家禮卷、還有說不完的贈品任你換!★ 立即下載《免費樂點》→每日完成任務→立即獲得樂點,吃喝玩樂多種好康讓你免費兌換!不要懷疑,就是這麼簡單!【官方粉絲團】: https://www.facebook.com/legametw【官方LINE客服ID】:legametw
Tiny Dino World 2.1.3
● Explore the ancient world and build your ownvillage.●● Challenge your friends and players around the world.●● Pixel art strategy game with interesting storyline.●FB:https://www.facebook.com/TDW168Official Website:http://www.legame.tw/TDWStory:After the meteor hit the Earth the dinosaurs did not fullydistinct….On this post apoc-alypse island human began to gather andform the three great tribes, Fire Tooth, Spike Tail and Wind Claw.Each thrive and prosper with the help of the mysterious totem thatallows them to summon dinosaurs to aid survival.Harming the dinosaurs is strongly prohibited, but there arealways rule breakers. Those people would slaughter dinosaurs anddrink their blood, gaining mighty strength with the cost of losingsanity. In the end most dinosaur slayers would be filled withkilling frenzy and slaughtering dinosaurs became their only purposeof living.The frenzied dinosaur slayers are named the blood barbarians bytheir relatives or friends and are banished to the frozen wastelandin the north.There is a rumor of a blood barbarian king that lives in thenorth and possess strength beyond even the mightiest dinosaurs.This barbarian king united the scat-tered blood barbarians and isplanning to break through the combined defense of the three greattribes and salvage all villages.Chief!! Chief!! Please come~ We need to strengthen ourdefense!Game Features:● Pixel ArtRealistic and cute pixel art brings back the memories !● Realistic Dinosaur sound effects and animationMore than 100 dinosaurs at your command with realistic animationand sound ef-fects, roarrrrrrrrrrr—————!● A huge variety of strategies at your disposalConstruct a wide variety of buildings to defend yourself frominvasions or command mighty dinosaurs to invade other villages andcrush their totems!● Three Great TribesThree different tribes each with their own unique artwork!● Interesting StorylineHumorous conversations between the NPCs along with the dragontrainer Maya and the postman will slowly unveil the tale of thetribe!● Invite your friends and join the raid even offlineReal time social system, invite your friends to feed the dinosaursor turn against each other for resources, even when they areoffline!
天才小釣手-釣魚大賽 2.7
1. 簡單操作釣竿,真實感釣魚!操作簡單,卻又能體驗真實釣魚的感受!詳盡的新手教學後,就可以開始體驗釣魚的爽快感拉!手動操作,可自行控制捲線時間和拉力,掌握釣大魚的時機,自動釣魚,讓您輕鬆釣到大魚,省時又省力!2. 多張地圖關卡,不同難易度開放不同的地圖和關卡,每個關卡都有特殊的魚種,圖鑑收集滿後可獲得特殊獎勵,高難度關卡等您來挑戰!3. 和好友一起釣超級魔王大魚難得機會遇到超級魔王大魚,可千萬別錯過,快在魔王大魚跑走前,邀請好友們一起努力釣大魔王大魚,可以獲得稀有時裝或傳說裝備喔!4. 擁有自己的專屬水族館收集所有特殊魚種,打造擁有自己特色的水族館,華麗多樣的水族館,開放別人參觀喔!5. 排行榜比拚,快成為釣魚高手除了好友每周排行,還有遊戲內所有玩家季排名!名列前茅可獲得1. Simpleoperation rod, realistic fishing!Simple, yet can experience the feeling of real fishing! Afterexhaustive novice teaching, you can begin to experience fishingShuangkuaigan pull! Manually operated, self-control and tensionreel time, grasp the opportunity to catch a big fish, automaticfishing, let you can easily catch a big fish, save time andeffort!2. Multi-level maps of different degree of difficultyOpen to different maps and levels, each level has a specialspecies, illustrated book collection available after the expirationspecial incentives, difficult levels waiting for you tochallenge!3. Super devil and friends to catch a big fishA rare opportunity to experience the super devil fish, can notmiss, quickly ran away before the devil fish, invite friends whowork together to catch a big devil fish, you can get a rare fashionor legends equipment Oh!The aquarium has its own exclusiveCollect all the special species, to create its own characteristics,aquarium, aquarium gorgeous diverse, open to others to visitOh!5. Competition charts, fast become a fishing masterIn addition to the weekly ranking friends, as well as all theplayers in the game season rankings! Among the best available
軒轅劍之崑崙鏡 4.01
經典鉅作,軒轅重現。為慶祝軒轅劍25週年紀念,推出軒轅劍之崑崙鏡ARPG手機遊戲,故事承接軒轅劍參外傳-天之痕開始,透過崑崙鏡的力量穿越歷代軒轅劍的世界觀,將帶領玩家再次回味軒轅劍的歷史,並解救神州大陸。想要和歷代軒轅劍角色一同冒險嗎?快來一起進入崑崙鏡的世界!!與女神謝金燕 一起並肩作戰軒轅劍之崑崙鏡特別邀請謝金燕肖像授權,玩家將可於崑崙鏡中和女神謝金燕的角色一同闖蕩軒轅劍的世界。「女神謝金燕」施放技能時將會有更多不樣的特效喔!!遊戲簡介:宇文拓曾預見赤貫星劃破神州九天結界,西方魔界入侵神州。於是,宇文拓興建通天塔,試圖佈陣阻止,但功敗垂成,撒旦重現、魔界降臨中土。玩家和陳靖仇與于小雪等人一起試圖阻止撒旦的降臨…。玩家將扮演陳靖仇師伯公山鐵先生的徒弟,隨著于小雪的幫助,穿越時空尋找有著異色雙瞳的俠客。故事將從軒轅劍外傳-天之痕起接入軒轅劍三-雲和山的彼端,並縱貫歷代軒轅劍的世界觀,多位軒轅劍的角色和怪物,都將和玩家並肩作戰。遊戲特色:1. 陪打系統想要和軒轅劍歷代角色一同進行遊戲嗎?全新夥伴陪打系統,將會有歷代軒轅劍角色陪您一起闖關。2. 語音系統新增語音辨識系統,讓玩家之間溝通不再受限於文字輸入,可以更方便快速的送出聊天文字。3. 錄音系統嫌打字太慢,且文字無法表達本身的意境嗎?崑崙鏡導入錄音系統,讓玩家可以於聊天室錄製自己的聲音,讓玩家間的溝通不再有隔閡。4. 圖鑑系統想念歷代軒轅劍的神魔異事錄嗎,崑崙鏡保留神魔異事錄的圖鑑系統,讓玩家可以盡情收集各種魔物圖鑑喔。5. 武器更換系統覺得別人的武器比較帥,想要換武器卻又不想重練?崑崙鏡提供武器更換系統,讓你隨時隨想要換武器換職業,只要動動手指,就可以立即更換不用重新再來喔!!!《軒轅劍之崑崙鏡》官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/swdarpg
萌寵星球 1.0.10
★★★益智消除類遊戲,一起進入萌寵的世界吧★★★隨著關卡的邁進一起發掘越來越多的萌寵!豐富的關卡讓你一開始就停不下來~【每日登錄】透過每日登錄獲得道具與鑽石讓您不再卡關【關卡模式】達成指定目標不斷過關斬將,200個關卡等你來挑戰!【無盡模式】在限制的步數內看看自己的極限分數在哪裡!還有無盡排行榜能隨時觀察競爭對手以及您的好友成績,快呼朋引伴一起加入萌寵世界吧!★★★ Puzzle eliminationgame, went into the world Meng pet it ★★★With the level of forward and discover more and more adorablepet! Abundant levels let you start not stop ~[Daily Log]    Through daily login get props and diamondsso you no longer Caguán[Level mode]    To achieve the specified goals are through,200 hurdles waiting for you to challenge![Endless Mode]     Within the limit of the number ofsteps and see where the limits of their own scores!     There are endless charts can readilyobserve competitors as well as your friends scores, quickly topersuade their friends to join Meng pet world!
神魔之戰 1.2.7
神魔之戰~組織個人風格的神魔軍團~策略作戰,一戰成名~官方粉絲團: www.facebook.com/Demon168===遊戲特色===●「多元化角色組合」打造專屬個人神級團隊 !● 極限培養系統,創神傳說一手掌握~● 全新遊戲玩法,最強感官體驗!● 最簡單的操作模式,快速體驗遊戲樂趣!!● 直覺的策略作戰,即時派遣上陣~● 豐富的特色玩法,闖關奪寶競技推王,每日玩不停!● 角色覺醒升星,自由搭配組合~===故事背景===傳說地獄之王好戰本性難以壓抑,利用墮落天使偷得朗基努斯之槍,又名命運之矛,並當下以地獄之火燃燒命運之矛,在命運之矛吸收地獄之火的熱能直至整把長矛散發出黑色吞噬一切的火焰,地獄之王奮力一擲,火熱的命運之矛以飛快速度直擊向至高天堂,而至高天帝立即感受一股毀天滅地的破壞力直擊而來,這時至高天帝右手緩緩舉起,滅世般的藍紫色閃電涵蓋了整個天空,閃電由四面八方聚集到至高天帝右手,當天帝右手揮下,藍紫色閃光直射向迎面而來的命運之矛,在兩股力量衝擊瞬間,一個驚天巨響的爆炸,命運之矛直接爆碎成千片,散落於人界~而命運之矛的碎片殘留了地獄與天堂兩股極端能量,拾到或觸碰到之生命甚至已死亡之靈體,瞬間吸收這股力量,而這股力量會呼應生物內心善惡偏向引誘出極善或極惡之力,而偏向邪惡之力的一方會被地獄之王引導打開地獄之門,但偏向真善一方會因天堂之力引導阻止地獄之門的開啟~此時人界已是異象頻生,萬惡興起,命運之矛碎片已多數由於人性本惡化為極惡之力,分散於世界各地,而玩家需要到各地找到剩下的碎片獲得天堂之力,並且將已被惡化的碎片奪回,阻止地獄之門的最終開啟,遊戲過程中玩家可自由組織自己的陣容,並培養出神一般的團隊一路將人界導回平靜,也因天堂與地獄的混亂,玩家的組織將不只是人類,還有精靈、天使更有惡魔與靈界力量,趕快加入這場神魔之戰,寫下你的創神傳說…………..Ghost Battle ~ organizepersonal style mythical Legion ~ policy operations, a famous battle~Official fan group: www.facebook.com/Demon168=== === Game Features● "diversified role combination" class team to create exclusivepersonal god!● Limit culture system, a hand grasp Legend ~● The new gameplay, the strongest sensory experience!● easiest operation mode, quickly experience the fun of the game!!● intuitive combat tactics, immediate dispatch battle ~● rich characteristics of play, pass through Indiana athletics pushthe king, a daily non-stop play!● Role awakening Rising Star, free combinations -=== === Background story    King Legend of Hell difficult to suppressthe militant nature, take advantage of the fallen angels stolenMichelangelo Yunus gun, also known as Spear of Destiny, and themoment the fire burning in hell Spear of Destiny, the Spear ofDestiny absorb heat until the fire of hell whole spear exudes blackdevouring flame, king of hell struggling threw fiery spear ofdestiny at a rapid rate to the highest heaven Watch, andimmediately feel a surge of supreme Heaven Armageddon destructiveWatch comes, then High Heaven slowly raised his right hand, like ablue-violet lightning mieshi covers the entire sky, lightning fromthe sides gathered to High Heaven right hand, waving his right handunder the Emperor that day, the blue-violet flash direct to theoncoming spear of destiny, the two explosive moment of impactforces, a terrible noise, the Spear of Destiny direct Decrepitationthousands pieces scattered in the human world ~    Spirits and the fate of the spear of theresidual debris of two shares of hell and heaven extreme energy,pick up or touch the life has even death, instantly absorb thisforce, and this force will echo the biological heart of good andevil tend to lure out very good or very evil force, and tend toforce the evil one will be king of hell boot opened the gates ofhell, but real good party favor due to the force of Heaven guideprevents open the gates of hell -     At this point the human world is avision of the frequent occurrence of evil rise, Spear of Destinyhas been most fragmented due to the deterioration of human natureis a very evil force, scattered around the world, and players needto find the rest of the debris to get around power paradise, andthe deterioration of the debris has been recaptured, the final stopof the gates of hell open, during the game, players are free toorganize their own team, and lost in the general culture of theteam all the way back into the human world calm, but also becauseof the confusion of heaven and hell, Players will not only humantissues, as well as elves, angels and the spirit world is moredemon power, quickly adding this mythical battle, write your legendchuangshen ............ ..
1. 簡單操作釣竿,真實感釣魚!操作簡單,卻又能體驗真實釣魚的感受!詳盡的新手教學後,就可以開始體驗釣魚的爽快感拉!手動操作,可自行控制捲線時間和拉力,掌握釣大魚的時機,自動釣魚,讓您輕鬆釣到大魚,省時又省力!2. 多張地圖關卡,不同難易度開放不同的地圖和關卡,每個關卡都有特殊的魚種,圖鑑收集滿後可獲得特殊獎勵,高難度關卡等您來挑戰!3. 和好友一起釣超級魔王大魚難得機會遇到超級魔王大魚,可千萬別錯過,快在魔王大魚跑走前,邀請好友們一起努力釣大魔王大魚,可以獲得稀有時裝或傳說裝備喔!4. 擁有自己的專屬水族館收集所有特殊魚種,打造擁有自己特色的水族館,華麗多樣的水族館,開放別人參觀喔!5. 排行榜比拚,快成為釣魚高手除了好友每周排行,還有遊戲內所有玩家季排名!名列前茅可獲得1. Simple operation rod,realistic fishing!Simple, yet can experience the feeling of real fishing! Afterexhaustive novice teaching, you can begin to experience fishingShuangkuaigan pull! Manually operated, self-control and tensionreel time, grasp the opportunity to catch a big fish, automaticfishing, let you can easily catch a big fish, save time andeffort!2. Multi-level maps of different degree of difficultyOpen to different maps and levels, each level has a specialspecies, illustrated book collection available after the expirationspecial incentives, difficult levels waiting for you tochallenge!3. Super devil and friends to catch a big fishA rare opportunity to experience the super devil fish, can notmiss, quickly ran away before the devil fish, invite friends whowork together to catch a big devil fish, you can get a rare fashionor legends equipment Oh!The aquarium has its own exclusiveCollect all the special species, to create its own characteristics,aquarium, aquarium gorgeous diverse, open to others to visitOh!5. Competition charts, fast become a fishing masterIn addition to the weekly ranking friends, as well as all theplayers in the game season rankings! Among the best available
仙劍五前傳 1.7.1
❀ Q萌畫風 刻劃仙五前主角與場景遊戲採用Unity3D引擎開發,高清畫質再加上強大骨骼動畫,讓原著角色在全Q萌外表下,也帶著豐富的肢體動作。原作中明州城、折劍山莊、樓蘭古城等場景,也將經典重現。❀ 姚仙監製 獨家首發隱藏劇情「仙劍之父」姚仙參與遊戲監製,把握每一個環節。更獨家加入單機未發佈的隱藏劇情。❀ 御用配音加盟 重現仙五前滿滿情懷遊戲特別邀請原作御用團隊為遊戲配音。動人的劇情,熟悉的對白,完美的聲線,讓玩家再次身臨其境,體驗銘心刻骨的愛情。❀ 3D即時戰鬥 華麗合擊系統《仙劍五前傳》採用3D即時操作,戰鬥過程中玩家可手動釋放絕招,亦可通過點擊操作,流暢跑位,並配合怪物技能預判、爽快觸發角色間的華麗合擊!
蜀山救世劍 1.0.0
戀光明-台灣首部奇幻小說RPG 2.6.0
◎《戀光明》Facebook粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/lgm.legame《戀光明》是一款以知名奇幻小說《戀光明四部曲》改編的卡牌養成類遊戲。玩家在遊戲中將維護自己的信仰和陣營,召集陣營夥伴書寫自己的傳奇之路。由原作者戚建邦先生獨家授權;該小說在臺灣深受青年讀者與喜愛。遊戲高度還原原著中諾瑞斯大陸各個種族和信仰的衝突,以及主角班尼愛恨情仇的傳奇一生。百餘種特色英雄任您指揮,怒刷Boss不在話下!多種不同風格的陣型,讓你在戰鬥中遊刃有餘!建公會、爭首領,帶領您的子民征戰四方!強大的交互聊天系統不再讓交友變得困難,戰鬥、聊天兩不誤!輕鬆搞笑,熱血戰鬥,盡在《戀光明》。*****經典戀光明,盡付笑談中*****回望經典,登上首領,真正體驗一把逆襲的快感,加入勢力陣營,統領諾瑞斯眾神,決勝之巔,一統勢力!各位勢力首領,我們看你的了!*****極致策略,彈指間成就王者*****擁有四大職業類型,數百名英雄任您挑選,各種職業相輔相成,再加上多種不同陣型搭配 ,讓您決策戰爭,天下盡在您手!*****百戰千軍,三方亂鬥*****創新國戰玩法,與本國眾將一起參與,爭奪王位。真正即時戰鬥體驗,三方亂戰趣味非凡!*****語音交互,解放雙手輕鬆遊戲*****特色語音交互系統讓你愛不釋手,更方便您於手機上遊戲。千里傳聲,共商勢力戰略間是是非非。*****英雄降臨,激情戰鬥爽翻天*****史詩級精品遊戲,將帶你領經典戰役的氣氛,體會與眾神激戰的快感,更有許多犀利英雄隨你踏上戰場,炫酷戰鬥場面一觸即發!◎ "love light"Facebookfan group: https: //www.facebook.com/lgm.legame"Love Bright" is a well-known fantasy novel "Lovebrighttetralogy," an adaptation card develop games.Players maintain their own beliefs and camp in the game willbringtogether partners to write their own legend camp road.Mr. Qi Jianbang exclusive license by the author; the novelinTaiwan and loved by young readers. Game highly reducing conflictinNorris original continent of all races and beliefs, as well asbothgood and bad protagonist Benny legendary life.Features hundreds of kinds of hero-you-command, anger brushBosscinch!Formation of a variety of different styles, so you ease inthebattle! Built guild, fight leader, led four expeditionsyourpeople!Powerful interactive chat system is no longer difficult tomakefriends, battle, chat things correct! Relaxed funny,passionatebattle, all in "love light."***** Classic love bright, do pay jokes *****Looking back on the classic, board leader, to experience thethrillof a counter-attack, joined forces camp, commanding Norrisgods,winning the top, dominating the forces! Members forces chief,welook at you!***** Ultimate strategy fingertips achievement King *****Has four types of occupation, hundreds of hero you to choosevariouscareer complement each other, coupled with a variety ofdifferentformation, so that the decisions you make war, the worldis all inyour hands!***** Battle Qian Jun, three melee *****Innovative national war games are played, together withtheircaptains to participate, compete for the throne. Experiencetruereal-time combat, extraordinary tripartite spared fun!***** Voice interaction, hands relaxed game *****Features voice interactive system allows you to put it down,moreconvenient for you to play on your phone. Trinidadsoundtransmission, jointly between the forces of right andwrongstrategy.***** The protagonist arrives, fight the passioncoolearthshaking *****Epic fine game, will take you receive the classic battleofatmosphere, experience the thrill of battle with the gods,thereare many sharp heroes as you set foot on the battlefield,coolexplosive battle scenes!
御劍天下-蜀山救世劍 1.0.3
女子宿舍禁愛令 1.0.22
※注意事項安卓系統帳號無法與其他平台共通使用,請各位玩家在創立遊戲角色時,務必先確認要在哪一個系統上進行遊戲,一旦創立後將無法更換系統。女子宿舍禁愛令! ~免費人氣戀愛虛擬遊戲~  説明《女子宿舍禁愛令》是一款全語音的戀愛虛擬遊戲!!由日本注目的人氣聲優,木戸衣吹、田所梓、大西沙織、安野希世乃、石上静香、森沢芙美等共六人所貢獻配音的繁體中文字幕版「女子宿舍禁愛令」!好多意外事件!?不小心看到摸到....!?充滿心動與刺激的室友生活!?與6位美少女同居的日常戀愛遊戲現正浪漫登場!!【故事背景】平凡無奇的大學生的你,在公寓一個人過著普通的生活。直到有一天,一台大卡車衝撞公寓…就這樣,你成了一個無家可歸的可憐大學生。"從今以後,我該怎麼生活‧‧‧‧‧‧"於是我向社團的學姊、也是好麻吉的「葵」傾訴煩惱。她對我說什麼「我有很棒的解決方法!」之後她帶我來的地方,竟然是她住的「女子宿舍」!?受大家青睞的高嶺之花、溫柔美麗的房東、傲嬌的人氣偶像等等‧‧‧wow我的室友都是美少女!運勢否極泰來(?)的你從今天開始住在這裡,即將展開心跳加快的甜蜜刺激生活!意想不到的開端···我要和她們在同一個屋簷下生活嗎!?這裡是···男子禁入!?的合租宿舍"Famille"!【遊戲特色】▼全語音的劇本故事享受以全語音(Full Voice)的劇本故事!你心目中的她到底會不會愛上你呢!?現在開始與美少女6人交織出夢幻甜蜜的生活故事吧!▼使用故事票卷來進行戀愛劇本利用故事票卷來進行與美少女的戀愛劇本,每四小時會回復一張。讓你跟6位美少女展開甜蜜浪漫刺激和意想不到的同居生活▼隨時回憶喜愛的戀愛劇情可以隨時回顧你喜愛的戀愛劇情片段。是無限次重複播放的喲!▼多樣款式的轉蛋服裝讓女主角穿上你喜歡的服裝吧!護士服、泳衣、和服....你所想到的應有盡有喲!▼每日登入送圖像版獎勵1天登入1次就會翻開一張圖像板,完成翻開所有圖像板便能獲得精緻圖像唷!【女子宿舍的美少女角色】●霧生 蓮(CV.大西 沙織)所有男生憧憬的"高嶺之花"是個才色兼備的美少女。看似冷酷不讓別人靠近她一步,但其實…!?你能打開她的心扉嗎!?●桃原 亞紀(CV.安野 希世乃)超人氣偶像的她!你將展開與偶像非日常的生活…!兩人關係進展的同時,她的秘密、逐漸浮出水面。你能發現她心中的真正心意嗎!?●伊吹 光夏(CV.木戸 衣吹)年紀最小卻是最可靠的!?非常害羞怕生的她,住在合租房子的真正理由是…!?在同一個屋簷下,一起生活漸漸拉近彼此的距離…。●水澤 葵(CV.田所 梓)讓大家滿面笑容的開心果!?又是學姐又是好麻吉的她,從小就是很好的青梅竹馬。然而,兩人的關係卻慢慢發生變化…與親友談戀愛,最後到底會變的如何!?●下野 朝彌香(CV.石上 静香)平常是個人氣No.1的酒店小姐!?以俏麗的美貌與魅力的氛圍緊緊抓住男人的心,誘惑你的甜蜜小惡魔,將會和她展開什麼樣的生活呢!?●藤永 美咲(CV.森沢 芙美)充滿成熟魅力的女強人!!身為房東的她,總是大家眼中溫柔寬大的姊姊。開始合租房子的動機也將會揭密!!然後,兩個人談戀愛的結局會是!?
仙劍外傳-刪檔封測 1.0.0
結伴于江湖 呼朋而尋友 共往仙劍世界仙劍全系列角色齊聚共演,每位人物都在您的指點下歷練修仙。蜀山瓊華任君探索,明州景安隨你遊玩,出祭都,往樓蘭,上仙界,下九泉。整個仙劍世界的林林總總,二十年的俠骨柔情,都會展現在您的面前。掌中現紅塵 指尖禦長劍 敗強敵降魔怪隨心所想,自由組合,讓不同故事的角色共同冒險,在您的調配下如行雲流水一般作戰。經典的招式在即時的戰鬥中重現,華麗的劍法仙術隨手指噴薄而出,彈指間感受掌中的仙劍。前情似重演 輪回卻已斷 宿命今朝改變精彩的主線支線,讓原本陌生的角色一起快樂的冒險,也讓他們悲愴的命運從此改變。原本孤身面對的強敵現在有了新戰友並肩而戰,生離死別的結局也因為新朋友的幫助而不再淒慘。一路上只有歡笑沒有眼淚,只有幸福沒有遺憾,這次仙劍的旅程將不再有悲情,不再令人遺憾,等待你的是一次真正的大團圓。高水準製作 視聽全盛宴 音聲經典重現歷代經典音樂隨著遊戲再一次響起,讓您憶起當年探險;原班超一流水準配音的精彩演繹,把每位角色經典臺詞重現。那些從未說過話的經典角色都有了全新的配音,而已有配音的角色也有新妙語等您發現。
神域之光 1.3.0
官方粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/syzk168巴哈姆特討論版: http://forum.gamer.com.tw/B.php?bsn=26852&subbsn=0歐美魔幻MMORPG《神域之光》再進化,熱血推出『時裝凱旋戰袍』『跨服PK』『結婚系統』『70級以上副本』,等你來挑戰!★★歐美風魔幻世界 高清絕美畫面★★★★大型多人線上手遊★★★★革新戰鬥系統QTE 即時PK暢快淋漓★★《神域之光》是款即時戰鬥角色扮演手遊,加入了革新性的QTE技能模式,並融入了激烈戰鬥特效光影,讓玩家盡情享受戰鬥,玩到停不下來!歐洲中世紀魔幻的故事背景,頂級的畫面特效,豐富多彩的遊戲內容,讓你在遊戲中猶如身臨其境,享受異國的戰鬥之旅!【唯美畫面】精緻細膩歐美魔幻風,絕美畫面,身臨其境般的遊戲體驗【即時PK】無限制即時PK模式,體驗格鬥遊戲般的爽快戰鬥【豐富技能】革新QTE戰鬥系統,多種符文鑲嵌,技能效果自由搭配【多人戰場】王國戰爭異界戰場,戰友相聚,共剿敵,灑熱血【萌寵大戰】多樣萌寵陪伴戰鬥,成長之路不再寂寞【炫酷坐騎】坐騎進階,炫酷造型任你挑選,縱橫戰場,穿梭敵陣如入無人之境。【豐富社群】大型多人線上互動,軍團、隊伍共同戰鬥,團結力量大【多樣活動】競技場PK,擊殺魔神,各種霸氣稱號等你挑戰
Animal Planet SAGA 1.0.6
★★★LET's JOIN the PETS PARTY★★★Clear levels to find out more and more Cute Pets!Let all the Cute Pets accompany with you in your leisure time~!【Daily Log In】Get boosters from daily log in to help you clear the【Game Mode】Reach the goal and conquer all the 200 levels【Endless Mode】Find you limitation in limit steps!!Endless Ranking help you check out your friends scores. Callthemjoin the Animal Planet SAGA!!★★★ LET's JOIN thePETSPARTY ★★★Clear levels to find out more and more Cute Pets!Let all the Cute Pets accompany with you in your leisure time~![Daily Log In]    Get boosters from daily log in to helpyouclear the[Game Mode]    Reach the goal and conquer all the200levels[Endless Mode]    Find you limitation in limit steps !!    Endless Ranking help you check outyourfriends scores. Call them join the Animal Planet SAGA !!
飛天歷險 Mobile ( 刪檔封測包 ) 1.19.3